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May 25, 2018 6PM-10PM
ROVE YVR || The James Black Gallery artist-in-residents and studiomates showcase some of their works in-house at the ROVE Mount Pleasant art walk. To ROVE all you need to do is pick a starting location on the route and there you will find the ROVE map. Use the map to rove around Main Street to check out galleries, art studios and creative spaces that feature a local artist’s work.
Zandi Dandizette Tessa Reed Marissa Diamond Jessica Lee Hill Odera Igbokwe Eden Cooke Robin Lough
Tangiene Martin O'hara Kinsey Deakin Jillian Brooks Nisha Platzer Tousy Kasia Laczny Mary Kim Marika Vanderkraats
Kat Wadel
Excerpts of some artists below:
Kat Wadel
Zandi Dandizette
Marissa Diamond
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